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    The school participated in the 109 years Nationwide Student Art Competition
    and won the middle grade graphic design masterpiece

       Our school participated in the First Youth Literature Award of Kinmen
         and won the first and second prose awards.

        Our school participated in the Kinmen County Games
        and won the fourth place in the elementary school boys group.
        First place in the fun competition.

公告 教導主任 - 最新消息-News | 2017-05-26 | 人氣:698

南華大學與財團法人人間文教基金會訂於106年5/27起至106年6/24共同辦理「2017年未來與希望系列講座」等30場研習課程(講座簡介資料如附件),活動地點:佛光山惠中寺 (台中市南屯區惠中路三段65號),請教師踴躍報名參加。

  • 1) 佛光山惠中寺2017年未來與希望系列講座簡介.doc