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    The school participated in the 109 years Nationwide Student Art Competition
    and won the middle grade graphic design masterpiece

       Our school participated in the First Youth Literature Award of Kinmen
         and won the first and second prose awards.

        Our school participated in the Kinmen County Games
        and won the fourth place in the elementary school boys group.
        First place in the fun competition.

公告 管理員 - 最新消息-News | 2020-04-23 | 人氣:538


  1. 限制入場人數:每名幼兒登記及抽籤以一名家長或監護人代表(幼生不到場參加)為原則。
  2. 現場人員全面配戴口罩及配合量測體溫:依據「COVID-19(武漢肺炎)」因應指引:公眾集會規定,工作人員及參與民眾均應自行配戴  口罩;另所有人員進入招生現場前應配合量測體溫,經量測後,額溫高於攝氏37.5度或耳溫高於攝氏38度,須進行第二次量測;經量測確認發燒者、未配戴口罩者或未配合量測體溫者,均禁止入場,以守護親師生健康。